Everyone here in the Northwest will have a chance to see me in person, on screen, online, and on TV in the next four weeks. REALLY.
ON TV: Tuesday, May 5th our much lauded and much postponed Evening Magazine segment is scheduled to air finally. We will be meeting in the lounge of the Seattle Hilton on 5th Ave in down town and we’d love to see fans there to celebrate our debut into the local news arena.
IN PERSON: Aside from the party on the 5th, I will be with a contingent of 25th Century Starfleet Officers and very dedicated ST:P Production staffers at PGE Park in Portland on Wednesday night, May 6th. We will be there helping the Federation battle the Klingons in the age old battle of smooth foreheads vs. bumpy foreheads. It’s in honor of the Portland Beavers’ annual Star Trek night and we are looking forward to meeing Oregonian Trekkies for the very first time.
We will then be present at the Boeing Imax Theatre for the premiere of JJ Abrams STAR TREK. There will be a large group of cast, crew, and production members present for the 7:00 PM IMAX experience and we’d love to meet fans and hear what you all have to say about this new vision of the old future.
ONLINE: And this is new good news. THIRD DEGREE, my vignette filmed back in October, has been rescued from post production limbo thanks to Leo Roberts (who rocks), Our amazing post-production supervisors at Sonnet Realm FIlms and our super talented VFX Supervisor, Zach Paul. The scene, which was shown in its current, unfinished state at Norwescon, should be ready to launch via the website this month.
ON FILM: I am pleased to announce that The Whole Truth, the hilarious screwball comedy I had the honor of working on last year, will be premiering at The Seattle International Film Festival . Director Colleen Patrick has full details at her blog, Wassup! Be sure to check out the SIFF schedule and get out to see TWT and other remarkable films this summer!
Such is life these days. Hectic and loving it. More movies hopefully happening this summer as well as much Trekkin’ Cheers!
Have a great time at the premiere of JJ Abrams STAR TREK!
See you @ SIFF for The Whole Truth 🙂